During the 20th edition of the Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene ISAH in Berlin, Germany on October 5-7, Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Opaliński, project coordinator from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) the Polish partner in LivestockSense, presented the main objectives of the LivestockSense project.
The presentation included the results from a survey on expectations and concerns about information and communication technology (ICT) tools conducted among Polish poultry and pig farmers.
ISAH – The International Society for Animal Hygiene, is a non-profit science organization founded in 1970 with a focus on animal health and welfare in livestock production.
UPWr has contributed with an abstract for the publication for the 20th Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene ISAH in Abstract Session 8: Expectations and concerns about the use of information and communication technology tools at poultry and pig farm – results of a survey of Polish producers (page 73), describing the challenges of promoting and adapting ICT tools in animal production today.
The publication is available to read here.

The team from UPWr promoting the LivestockSense project at the poster session. From the left: Damian Konkol (MSc), Kasia Olejnik (MSc), Sebastian Opaliński (Assoc. Prof.), and Ewa Popiela (PhD).
The presentation was part of the work of the UPWr team made in cooperation with the LivestockSense project leader Prof. Thomas Banhazi from AgHiTech ltd, Hungary, and the team of Dr. Ildiko Tikasz from the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary.
The information obtained throughout the surveys is a valuable starting point for identifying barriers to the implementation of modern technologies in animal production.
Similar surveys were conducted in Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Israel and Sweden by the other LivestockSense project partners.
Thanks to a successful promotion of the project activities and the presentation of the results to the international academic community at the ISAH congress, it was possible to exchange experiences and knowledge with specialists in animal science.
This research and conference participation fee was funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Opaliński from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences presenting at the congress.