Aktualności i opinie

Listopada 2021
W ramach projektu LivestockSense, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu (UPWr) bada potencjał technologii cyfrowych, których zastosowanie umożliwiłoby prowadzenie wydajnej i zrównoważonej działalności w sektorze produkcji trzody chlewnej i sektorze produkcji drobiarskiej (brojler kurzy/nioska).

Passover/Easter visit to Israel for the 5th consortium meeting

The LivestockSense partners spent Passover and Easter in Jerusalem, Israel, where MIGAL Galilee Research Institute hosted the last consortium meeting of the project with an exciting and eventful itinerary. LivestockSense has offered a most intriguing journey of cross-national quantitative and qualitative studies and focus groups on how to understand the barriers for adopting intelligent technology…

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Experts participate in insightful focus groups in Hungary to provide a new understanding of ICT barriers

On January 19th, 2023, the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), Hungary, invited stakeholders of the pig and poultry sector involved in precision livestock farming (PLF) to a focus group discussion, which exceeded all expectations with a successful and productive event.  The event was attended by 21 participants from business (farmers, PLF developers and distributors), academia and…

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Polski zespół projektu LivestockSense zaprasza ekspertów do dyskusji na temat implementacji narzędzi ICT w hodowli zwierząt

W dniach 10.12.2022 oraz 11.03.2023 r. odbyły się warsztaty dyskusyjne związane z tematyką wykorzystania nowoczesnych technologii ICT w produkcji zwierzęcej (z ang. Information Communication Technology, technologie informacyjno – komunikacyjne). Wydarzenie zostało zorganizowane przez zespół projektu LivestockSense z Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu (UPWr). W dyskusjach wzięło łącznie udział 29 uczestników (Ryc.1), reprezentujących różnorodne sektory związane z…

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Focus groups to shed new light on the adoption of digital technologies in livestock production

In the coming weeks, LivestockSense is to host focus group discussions in Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Israel, and Denmark. The aim of the focus group discussion is to identify key characteristics of farmers’ attitudes toward digital technologies. All participants are carefully selected for their specific expertise and cover the entire value chain from primary production…

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Press Release: LivestockSense’ contribution to the ISAH Congress in Berlin

During the 20th edition of the Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene ISAH in Berlin, Germany on October 5-7, Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Opaliński, project coordinator from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) the Polish partner in LivestockSense, presented the main objectives of the LivestockSense project. The presentation included the results from a…

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Recent visits to Hungary and Denmark

LivestockSense PI, Prof. Thomas Banhazi together with Annamaria Banhazi (Aghitech) participated in various meetings in Hungary, including meetings with AKI – Institute of Agricultural Economics to review the operational aspects of the LivestockSense project in Hungary. The Hungarian components of the LivestockSense are represented by Dr. Ildikó Edit Tikász, Head of Department at AKI (pictured above), and Mr.…

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