About Estonian University of Life Sciences
Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only university in Estonia whose priorities in academic and research activities provide the sustainable development of natural resources necessary for the existence of Man as well as the preservation of heritage and habitat. The academic structure is composed of research and development institutes or institutions, centres and other structural units. Currently, teaching and research is carried out in five institutes.
Two of these are involved in the LivestockSense Project:
Institute of Technology is composed of 5 departments. It is possible to focus on either energy application engineering, production engineering or ergonomics. A popular speciality from the energy application curricula is the area of renewable energetics.
Institute of Technology focuses on responsibility areas and academic activities such as agricultural engineering and energetics. Main fields of research include solutions of integrated renewable energetics, modelling of energy processes, technologies and machinery of animal farms and ergonomics of biotechnical systems, etc.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences is composed of 7 departments. It performs high-level modern teaching and research and development activities in many fields, such as animal nutrition, animal production, including aquaculture, animal genetics and breeding, reproductive biology, biotechnology, food hygiene, food technology, and many other subject areas related to animal science and veterinary medicine.
National funding organisations