The LivestockSense partners spent Passover and Easter in Jerusalem, Israel, where MIGAL Galilee Research Institute hosted the last consortium meeting of the project with an exciting and eventful itinerary.
LivestockSense has offered a most intriguing journey of cross-national quantitative and qualitative studies and focus groups on how to understand the barriers for adopting intelligent technology in livestock farming to enhance environmental sustainability.
Concrete ICT solutions have been applied to pig and poultry farming in different EU countries to better understand how to enhance the value of digitalization for the individual farmer.
An important task is now to develop an ICT tool that will provide farmers with evidence-based recommendations on how to overcome their challenges in regard to the application of Precision livestock farming technologies.
After a joint consortium meeting, where great new insightful LivestockSense research was displayed and discussed, the excellent host Prof. Uri Marchaim from MIGAL had scheduled some sightseeing of Jerusalem for the following days.
The LivestockSense partners were introduced to the beautiful landscape of Israel, the Western Wall, and the tomb of Jesus, while all festivities leading up to the Passover-celebration was going on in the city.